Conditions and Terms of Beautlada
Terms and Conditions for the Website 1 1.1 These terms and conditions and the papers they refer to (collectively, these “Terms”) tell you how to use our website,, whether you are a registered user or a guest. Before you use our site, please read these rules carefully.
1.2 If you use our site, that means you agree to these rules and will follow them. You can’t use our site if you disagree with these rules.
1.3 You should make a copy of these terms and conditions to look them over later.
2-Some facts about us
2.1 The address of our main office is 87A Worship Street, London, EC2A 2BC.
2.2 The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority and the General Pharmaceutical Council monitor us. is the email address you can use to contact us. You can also call us at 0208 050 0008.
3 You may also be subject to other terms
3.1 Our Privacy Policy, which also says how you can use our site, tells you how we handle any personal information you give us or that we get from you. You agree to this handling when you use our site and promise that all the information you give us is correct.
3.2 If you buy something from our site, our terms and conditions of supply will govern the sale of that thing.
4 These terms could be changed.
From time to time, we change these words. The next time you want to use our site, please reread these rules to ensure you understand them.
5 We might change our site.
We might change our site occasionally to reflect changes in our goods, the needs of our users, our business goals, or any other reason.
6 We can take down or stop our site.
6.1 We don’t promise that our site or its material will always be up and running. To keep our business running smoothly, we may stop, remove, or limit access to all or part of our site. We will let you know if we have to suspend or delete your account as soon as possible.
6.2 You are also in charge of making sure that anyone who uses your internet connection to access our site is aware of these terms of use and any other rules that apply to them and follows them.
7 Getting to our site
7.1 Our site and any services offered through it will be in English. It is your job to ensure you fully understand our site’s tips and information. People who live in the United Kingdom can use our page. We don’t promise that information on or linked to our site is appropriate for use or available elsewhere.
7.2 Occasionally, we may only let people who have registered with us see certain parts of our site or the whole site.
7.3 If you choose or are given a user ID, password, or any other information as part of our security measures, you must keep it secret and not give it to anyone else. We can deactivate any user ID or password, whether you picked it or we gave it to you, at any time if you have not followed any of these terms of use.
7.4 It’s up to us to decide if your use of our site violates these terms. If you break these rules, we can do whatever we think is right, which could include any or all of the following:
7.4.1 taking away your right to use our site right away, temporarily, or permanently;
7.4.2 to give you a warning;
7.4.3 civil action was taken against you because of the breach;
7.4.4 gives this information to law officials when we think it’s essential.
7.5 You should not use our site or services in an emergency. In an emergency, you should call your neighbour hood doctor or the hospital’s emergency room closest to you.
8 Your rights to intellectual property and how you can use things on our site
8.1 We either own or have permission to use all intellectual property rights in our site and the content that is added to it. Copyright rules and treaties all over the world protect these works. These kinds of rights are kept safe.
8.2 You can print out one copy of any page(s) on our site and take excerpts of those pages. You can also bring attention to material on our site within your company.
8.3 You must keep the paper or digital copies of anything you have printed or downloaded. You also are not allowed to use any pictures, photos, videos, audio clips, or images without the text that goes with them.
8.4 The fact that we wrote something on our site (or someone else wrote something) should always be credited.
8.5 You can’t use any of the content on our site for business reasons unless you get permission from us or our partners to do so.
8.6 If you print, copy, or download any part of our site without following these rules, you can no longer use our site. You will also have to return or destroy any copies you made, as we choose.
9 We are responsible
9.1 The information on our site, including the blog, is given as is, with no promises, conditions, or claims about its accuracy.
9.2 We don’t limit or erase our responsibility to you in any way when doing so is against the law. It includes being responsible for death or personal harm caused by our carelessness or the carelessness of our workers, agents, or subcontractors, as well as for fraud or false representation.
For business people who use our site:
9.4 We do not include implied conditions, warranties, statements, or other terms that could be used to talk about our site or any of its material.
9.5.1 We won’t be responsible for any loss or damage you suffer, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or any other way, even if you knew it would happen. This includes:
If you use or can’t use our site, 9.5.1
9.5.2 use of or reliance on any information posted on our site.
9.6 To be exact, we won’t be responsible for:
9.6.1 Loss of money, sales, business, or income;
9.6.2 Stopping work;
9.6.3 Loss of savings that were planned;
9.6.4 Loss of a business chance, image, or respect or
9.6.5 Any loss or damage that is secondary or as a result of something else.
If you are a member of the public:
9.7 Please remember that our site is only for personal and home use. When you use our site, you agree not to use it for business or commercial reasons. We are not responsible for any profit loss, business interruption, or missed business opportunities.
10 Signing Up
10.1 You must register with our site and make a safe online patient record to use some of its features. We can stop or suspend your access at any time if we think your continued use of our services hurts other people or us. When you sign up to use the service, you:
10.1.1 Make sure the information you give is correct, complete, and
10.1.2 Agree to keep your username and password secret and to do what you can to keep them safe. Also, agree not to tell anyone your login information for your online patient record;
10.1.3 shouldn’t make more than one account on our site, and
10.1.4 Make sure you are at least 16 years old.
11 Crimes like viruses, hacking, and more
11.1 We can’t promise that our site is safe or has no bugs or viruses.
11.2 You are in charge of setting up your computer, software, and device so that you can visit our site. That you should use your virus scanner.
11.3 You must not abuse our site by putting viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs, or other dangerous software or code on it.
11.4 Without permission, You must not try to get into our site, the server that stores it, or any other server, computer, or database related to it.
Under the Computer Misuse Act 1990, you would be breaking the law if you broke this section 11. We will report any security breach to the proper law enforcement officials and work with those officials by telling them who you are. If you break these rules, you can no longer use our site.
11.6 We are not responsible for any loss or damage you may experience because of a distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses, or other technologically harmful content that may infect your computer hardware, software, data, or additional private information. This could happen if you use our site or download anything from it or any place that links to it.
12 Putting a link to our site
12.1 You can link to our home page as long as you do it fairly and legally so that it doesn’t hurt our reputation or take advantage of it in any way. However, you can’t set up the link to make it look like we’re affiliated with, endorsing, or supporting your site when we aren’t.
12.2 You must not put a link on your site from a site that you do not own.
12.3 You can’t frame our site on another site, and you can’t link to any page on our site other than the home page. We reserve the right to remove your permission to link to our location anytime.
12.4 If you want to use something on our site in a way other than what is listed above, please email with your request.
13 Sites that link to ours
If our site has links to outside tools and sites not owned by us, they are only there for your information. Because we don’t run those sites or resources, we can’t be responsible for what’s on them or any loss or damage that might happen because you use them.
14 Full Agreement
These terms of use and any documents expressly referred to are the only agreements we have with each other about how to use our site. They replace any previous talks, emails, conversations, agreements, understandings, or arrangements we had with each other.
Please email if you need help with the information on our site or our services.